Increasingly connected devices are changing the way we live our lives. Connected Sensors and devices will outnumber humans by nearly 1:100 by 2030. Its implications on enterprise workflows are immense. Connected smart devices on the edge will be crucial for driving organizational efficiency and intelligent Asset Management.
We build these connected smart devices. Our e-fabric device management platform, connects these smart managed devices to the cloud. Our Enterprise Software builds on the e-fabric and redesigns organisational workflows by Communicating, Connecting and building Synapses across sensors, actuators, vision systems and health Monitoring Systems. The enterprise software systems we help create are smart and asset centric.
Optitech IoT creates Digital Avatars for real assets, by sensorising them and connecting them to its cloud platforms. Sensing, capturing, parameterising in real time.
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Our solutions extensively use open-source technologies to build enterprise workflows around IoT devices, especially for asset monitoring, trouble ticket generation and resolution.
Linux OS has a significant position in the embedded industry due to its open source, multi-variants, multiple vendors, and the update and redistribution ability.
Our creative and technical capabilities in Electronics System Design take our customers’ concepts to completion and help launch them into production.
A Successful IoT deployment starts with a device fit for use in the energy and space constrained environments.
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The ability of analytics to detect suspicious behavior, and even individual faces, is improving all the time.
We have optimally trained our analytics engines to provide very lightweight video analytics that can run on the edge.
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